Top Tip – Compressing your images

by | Top Tip

One of the biggest things we find with websites is speed and one thing that can really affect this is image sizes and compression. So here are some simple tips that will help with this.

  • Run your images through a JPG or PNG optimizer – there a couple of different ways you can do this. You can use an online service such as TinyPNG, group all of your images into a folder. Then upload them to TinyPNG, it will compress them and you can download the compressed images making them smaller to use within your website.
  • Another way this can be done is from Photoshop. This can be achieved by using the “Save For Web & Devices” option in Photoshop. This will give you a few different options for optimizing your graphics. The “Optimize Image” option is what you want to use.

I hope this has been a helpful top tip! Please look out for my new one next week!

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